“One of the greatest gifts you can give is your time.” - Anonymous
Fawn Rescue of Sonoma County would not be in existence today if it weren’t for its volunteers. For over 30 years, volunteers have donated hours, weeks, months or years of their time to ensure the success of our mission – preserving and protecting our local Black-tailed fawn population. The lifeblood of our organization, our volunteers are our most valuable resource. While there are no salaried positions beyond our Animal Care Coordinator, the rewards of being a part of successfully releasing a healthy fawn are many.
Not only do our volunteers donate time, money, knowledge and expertise, they go out of their way to network, fundraise, educate and secure audiences or platforms to draw awareness to our cause. From drivers, to event coordinators, to outreach and fundraising, our need for assistance is never ending – which is why we need you!
If you are interested in becoming a part of our unique Sonoma County wildlife rescue organization, inquire today! E-mail info@fawnrescue.org and tell us about yourself – your background, your talents, skills, experience and be sure to answer the most important question: Why Fawn Rescue?
Volunteer Community | Educational Outreach
- Host information table/booth, schedule dates and locations, prepare supplies
- Event committee, fundraisers, open house, picnic, community events, school events, children’s fairs, festivals and other events
- Develop new projects, assist with volunteer opportunities
- Volunteer coordination: organize volunteer tasks, schedule volunteer committees, help manage events, meeting and lecture hall locations
- Oversee volunteer activities to report to Animal Care Coordinator and Board of Directors
Fundraising and Public Relations
- Donation jars
- Grant search, writing, project estimates and coordination
- Sponsorships and Donors: company contact, requests and coordination
- Request donations: supplies, services, gifts, raffle, auction, displays, etc.
- Fundraiser, Raffle, Auction: donation request letters, collect items, advertising
- Event coordination: event locations, event permits, government requirements, fundraising, parking, security, food, beverage, entertainment, etc.
- Partnerships: habitat areas, wildlife corridors, preserves, state parks, county parks
- Add to mailing list, members, update database
- New volunteer promotion
Assistant to Animal Care Coordinator and Board of Directors
- Email, telephone follow-up assistance, mail, telephone support, appointment support, meeting scheduling and reports
- Telephone assistance for Animal Care Coordinator, schedule days and hours, educated on answering calls (see Guide)
- Data entry, assistance with projects and volunteers
Operations and Maintenance – Assist Animal Care Coordinator
- Handymen pen construction and maintenance, set posts and install fencing, build barn sheds, weed clearing, chainsaw branches, repairs, etc.
- Collect greens for feeding*** – May through September
- Pick up, delivery of donated materials, rental equipment, medical supplies, etc.
- Vehicle maintenance, upkeep, cleaning
- Laundry service
- Service and material donations: contractor, carpenter, etc.
- Construction documents, permits, ordinances, county restrictions
- Inventory building supplies and other materials
Volunteer Community & Educational Outreach
- Host information table/booth, schedule dates and locations, prepare supplies
- Event committee, fundraisers, open house, picnic, community events, school events, children’s fairs, festivals and other events
- Develop new projects, assist with volunteer opportunities
- Volunteer coordination: organize volunteer tasks, schedule volunteer committees, help manage events, meeting and lecture hall locations. Oversee volunteer activities to report to Animal Care Coordinator and Board of Directors
Research and Development
- Data entry, cataloging, information updates, archive Fawn Rescue files
- Handout updates, donation request letters
- Medical research, tracking, updates on fawn illness, prevention and treatments
- Research assistance for Animal Care Coordinator and Board of Directors
- Grants available, educational outreach grants
- Research, establish for specific needs: GoFundMe, etc.
- Non-profit research, regulation updates, requirements, restrictions
- Update annual calendar and distribute to volunteers
- Research products, purchase prices and sales
- Develop new programs, opportunities
- Computer updates, software knowledge and assistance
- Website, Facebook page, Twitter, other social media
- Newsletter
- Update links, web searches to Fawn Rescue
- Educational videos, slideshow (with and without sound), photograph DVD, mixed media production
- Photograph management, storage library, albums, mixed use displays, archive
- Create APP, update links, develop new online connections
- Social Media (outreach and advice)
Graphic Arts
- Invitations, thank you cards, flyers, advertisement
- Update exhibits, display boards, photographs, handouts, stationary, etc.
- Prepare children’s projects for education, information and events
- Donations for printing services, office and art supplies
- Donations and development of Fawn Rescue merchandise, manufacturer donations
To inquire or apply for any of the above listed opportunities, send us a message via the contact form below. We will get back to you in a timely manner and thank you for your interest in working with Fawn Rescue of Sonoma County!